Why participate in our classes?
Research from various sociological and scientific fields have shown music to be an important tool for brain development. Starting as early as infant age is becoming increasingly understood as necessary for the healthy development of children. We put cultural relevancy at the forefront of our programming.
Music as the Medium for Learning
Music has been demonstrated to support all learning. It can and is an agency for all kinds of information. Making music requires various motor, reading, memorization, and comprehension skills. It also support social, physical and mental development.
Music for Family Bonding
Singing, Dancing and making music with your child is a great way to bond, you can continue activities at home, on walks, in the car, at the beach, anywhere! Siblings, Cousins and grand-parents can learn new songs and pass on old songs to pass the time, or teach family stories. Taking time out to go to a class together is quality time that you have specifically carved out with no interruptions or distractions.
Music for Self Expression
Music and Dance it a tool for creativity, to communicate feelings and thoughts, to be well-rounded and to have LOADS and Loads of fun.
Music as Cultural Identity
Taking it a step further and recognizing the importance of culturally-specific activities for the holistic social development of kids and their families. Music can promote pride in our diversity whether it be ethnicity, gender identity, socioeconomic, family make-up and ability.
Music for Literacy & Language Development
Music supports literacy and language development, because you can use songs,beats, and dance instructions as a way to teach words phrases and for children to practice what they are learning. Songs are also a great way for Adults to learn and practice with bilingual or 2nd language learners.
Music to build Friendship & Community
Sharing music can help break the ice and build with people you meet at your classes. Kids and Adults can make friends and build bonds over one or multiple sessions. Sharing songs and activities to other people outside of your classes is also a way to make new friends and create community rituals